Social Media Planner,  Social Media Strategy

Goal: Raise my Profile (and a closer look at my work/life layout)

Visibility Planner - set goals 2019

It is not just about using social media for your business. You can also use it to raise your own professional profile. It is important that you build your personal/professional social media accounts as well as your business/company one. Start by setting goals!

You can use your social media planner to plan out your personal and professional social media accounts.

One of my own personal goals is to raise my visibility and professional profile through the use of social media this includes:

  • posting content that I have producted or that my colleagues have produced to showcase my work and the work of my company;
  • promotion of upcoming events that I am sponsoring/hosting and attending and content at and following those events in support of others and to interlink my online/offline networking efforts.
  • Posting updates and insights into daily life, my work etc.
  • Retweeting and sharing content from friends, colleagues and contacts and organisations that I am a part of.
social media planner - double planner layout

Each week I use one half of the double layout to plan out my personal Linkedin and Twitter accounts and on the other, I plan out my business accounts. Here I have pictured an example of how I use it for both personal and business on the same layout.

Need help setting your social media goals and planning your social media content? Why not grab a copy of our Social Media Planner.


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