Attending Networking Events,  Quick Tips

Quick tip: What to do when everyone already knows each other?

NTFB Blog Posts - attending networking events

On occasion, there will be those times where you attend an event and it seems like everyone already knows each other. You might feel slightly awkward about the fact that you don’t already know these people or that they are talking about things that you know nothing about so how to do you manage this?

Just be friendly and put yourself out there

In addition to the above just be friendly. If you are your usual friendly self with people they will try and be inclusive and welcoming and include you in conversation. Just don’t be offended if they talk about things you don’t know about. It is not personal.  Most of the time the group isn’t purposely trying to exclusive. They just all know each other and it’s easier for them to talk amongst themselves. They may also be a bit lazy or see getting to know someone new as hard work. They may be a bit shy too and feel a bit uncomfortable about engaging someone unfamiliar.

Just strike up conversation and kick off with a simple hi.

Sit back, relax, listen and learn

You don’t always have to be the centre of attention. Allowing other people to just get on with talking can be a great way to learn new things. The important thing is to engage, actively listen, ask thought-provoking questions (and follow up).

Join in (and don’t wait for others to make the first move)

If the group is getting involved in an activity or all hanging out at a particular place – just get stuck in. This doesn’t have to mean putting yourself in the centre of attention. It can simply mean hanging out at the bar if this is where everyone is rather than hanging back.

Alternatively, it can be just striking up conversations and working the room, asking people for introductions and taking advantage of the fact that people know each other well.

Share your own tips for getting to know people who already know each other in the comments.

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