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Putting your Audience First [Oi Conference 2018]

Putting your Audience First

Chris Gee, Co-Founder at Rixxo

Three ways to put your audience first

#1: Make it easy

Start with an objective in mind. Make it easy for your audience, if it is difficut than it won’t work.

What are you trying to get your audience to do? Once you have identified this make their journey to this point simple, obvious and attractive. If it helps, give them instructions.

  • People following instructions do 323% better with illustrations.
  • 38% of users leave if layout is unattractive.
  • 61% of users leave if they can’t find something or it doesn’t work as expected.
  • Messenger and Whatsapp Sharing +113%

Therefore take the time to make it attractive and easy. Simple changes can make all the difference. E.g. Use share buttons, rather than links.

#2: Go to your Audience

It is becoming increasingly expensive to get people to come to your website and it is becoming increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd. By the years 2022 there will be 2.8 billion websites and 1.3billion phones will have Facebook messenger installed. So why not go to where your audience is. Try using a chatbot.  Adults spend 4 hrs a day on mobile devices. So it is becoming increasingly important to be mobile.

Your benchmark for sign ups is 34%.

#3: Empower your audience to tell your story

Your audience wants to get involved and want to share your content and tell your story. So make it easy for them, tell your audience what you want them to do and what you want them to share. Encourage them to share content in a particular way, or with a particular hashtag to help them get involved and encourage more people to get involved.

  • 86% of millennials use UGC to measure a brand’s quality
  • UGC converts 40%
  • 96% of people do not follow brands that they talk about online
  • 50% of consumers want the brand to tell them what to share

Finally UGC is also cheaper – so what is stopping you.

Tools and Resources Recommended by Chris in the talk:


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