Conference Planner,  Social Media Planner,  Strategy: Networking

Pre-Schedule Your Conference Tweets

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Hosting your own conference? Attending an all-day conference?

Make it easier on yourself, plan ahead and pre-schedule some of your tweets. Alternatively, draft them in advance so they only need a quick tweak before posting on the day.

If you want to make the most of a conference by using twitter there are a number of things you can do to make sure you are prepared.

Create or find out what the Conference Hashtag is.

If you are hosting an event you will want to create an event hashtag as early as possible and use it in all your marketing activities.

Attending an event and you are planning your tweets for a conference in advance. You will want to find out what the “official” event hashtag is. If there isn’t one, think about what hashtags you could use on the day to make it easier for people to find you.

Create a Twitter List for the Conference

Create a twitter list for the event in advance of the event and add to it the official Twitter accounts of organisers, sponsors, hosts and speakers as well as attendees.  Before you attend the conference continue to add people who are using the relevant hashtag. On the day you can continue to add people who are tweeting about the event to the list. Make it public and other people can also benefit from your curated list.

Engage with People Before the Conference

Let people know you are going to a conference and connect with other attendees and speakers prior to the event. Strike up conversations in advance.

Download our Printables

Download our all-day conference and conference planner printables and plan/draft or schedule your tweets in advance. Remember to use the conference hashtag and tag /make reference to other attendees and speakers.

Keep the Conversation Going and Follow up After the Conference

Ease the social media burden by prepping some of your follow-up in advance of the event with the rest to follow. Follow-up by thanking hosts speakers and attendees. You can also follow up by sharing tweets from the conferences and links to resources that speakers discussed in their talks.





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