How To,  Remote Networking,  Social Media

An Introduction to Online Networking

What is online networking?

If you are not already networking with your contacts online as well as offline – you should be. Online Networking is simply networking in an online space over an internet connection. We usually think of the use of social media as online networking. However, it includes anything that requires an internet connection e.g. via video conferencing.

It can be a great way to network remotely and keep in touch with your contacts.

I personally use LinkedIn and Twitter. However, different platforms work better for different people and you should be where the people you want to network with hanging out.

Connecting with our IRL contacts can be a great way to keep the conversation going with minimal effort and can be done from anywhere.

Getting Started on LinkedIn

Hopefully, you will already be using LinkedIn. If you are not, you need to stop right now and read an Introduction to LinkedIn Part 1 and Part 2.  Assuming you are on LinkedIn you may also be interested in catching up with our Beginner’s A to Z Guide to LinkedIn which will help you ensure that you are clued up for networking on LinkedIn going forward.

Getting Started on Other Social Media Platforms

While LinkedIn is the social network that most people use for professional networking, it might not be the only platform you should be on. As mentioned above different platforms work better for different people and you should be where the people you want to network with hanging out. So you might want to be thinking about if you want to be networking anywhere else.

As well as our Beginner’s A to Z Guide to LinkedIn you may also be interested in catching up with our other guides including The A to Z of Networking on Social Media and the A to Z of Networking Using Instagram.

Getting Started with Video Conferencing

It is likely that WFH and Social Distancing has made it the new normal that you are carrying out meetings and calls using video conferencing platforms. If you haven’t already started using video conferencing platforms for networking as well – you might want to add it to the list of things to learn how to do and our remote (net)working tips for beginners series will include some tips for networking using video conferencing platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

Further Reading:

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