
Mentoring: What roles does a mentor play?

mentoring - networking tips for beginners

Networking can be a fantastic way to connect with people and find informal (and sometimes more formal) mentors. A Mentor Has Many Roles. Your mentors may fulfil all or some of these roles.

An Advisor

Mentors are often seen as advisors. Someone who can share their experiences (both positive and negative) and tell stories about lessons learned.

A Supporter

While professional, a mentoring relationship is a “personal” one. A mentor is an important part of your support network and a mentor will often provide moral (and potentially emotional) support.

A Sponsor

A mentor is not always a sponsor. However, if the opportunity arises, a mentor can potentially help their mentee and put them forward for new opportunities.

A Teacher

Being a mentor sometimes means giving feedback and giving performance critiques. Including telling the mentee what they did well, what they did not do well, and how to improve. It is an important part of mentoring to be able to give honest feedback.

A Role Model

Finally, as a mentor, you will also be a role model for others. So be prepared to inspire others.

Further Reading:

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