A to Z Challenge,  Instagram

J is for… Journey

NTFB Blog Posts - a to z - instagram

Let your Instagram take you on a journey.

Instagram is primarily a visual platform. So don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things allowing your Instagram usage to take you on a journey, to share your journey with your followers.

Take a Journey

As you start using Instagram or refine your Instagram usage – your style will change. Embrace it. Experiment and try new things to find something that works for you and your brand.

Review your Instagram and check-in on your Instagram journey to find out how you are getting on, what is working well, what could be done better and how you might improve.

Don’t be afraid to change your brand and strategy as you do.

Share your journey

Social Media can be a great way to give others an insight into you and your business or blog. Share authentic content. Share behind the scenes content. This will help people get to know the real you and the people behind the business. Share what you are doing and any exciting news that you have.

If you are travelling or out and about doing things, simply sharing what you are doing can be a great way to network and raise your profile. Again, tag people that you are with and that you are meeting and tag businesses that you are using the products/services of, or the places that you are visiting.

Finally, when sharing your journey don’t forget to use geotagging in your posts (click add location) and Instagram “Location” stickers in your stories.

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