Content and Storytelling,  Marketing Toolkit,  Website

Is your website content search friendly?

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Google tries to find the best answer that it can for requests (searches).

Therefore you need to be making pages for your customers and users. Not search engines. So don’t get too worked up about technical SEO points). Write natural content for humans. By putting your audience at the heart of what you are doing you will be writing better content and this, in turn, will mean that you are writing content for a specific audience and this will hopefully be algorithm friendly.

High-quality content will mean that your content is valuable to your audience which means that they will read more of your content, they will increase the dwell time on your website and lead to backlinks to your website. Influencer Marketing can also help give you high-quality backlinks.

All of these things will improve your SEO over time.

Create pages with keywords. Use the longtail keywords that you are looking to rank for. Your page names are used by Google to help understand what your website is about and it helps Google ‘build a picture’. Google will also trawl for fresh content on a regular basis so it will know when you add a new page or new blog.

However, it is important to also avoid simple SEO pitfalls when creating content on your website or blog.

Examples include:

  • Avoid duplicate/copied content
  • Avoid creating new pages with little or no content.
  • Don’t always create content where you are only doing a couple of sentences. Google will flag this content as not relevant.
  • Don’t use hidden text and links.

Google has lots of tools that can be used to help you create Google-friendly content for your websites such as Google trends, Google analytics, and search console.  Use search queries to help you produce content. Sign up to Search Console and submit a sitemap for your website. Monitor this and use the search queries to build up your content.

Share any other tools that you are using in the comments.

Further Reading:

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