Skills Development

How to: Write in Plain English

Writing in plain English means using simple, clear, and concise language that is easy for your audience to understand.

01. What is the purpose of what you are writing?

When writing something think about why you are writing it. What is the purpose of what you are writing?

If you don’t fully understand what you are writing and why you will often put too much in and will end up with something too long and too broad and your message (and purpose) will get lost somewhere in the middle.

You are writing to be understood. Use short, simple words.

Think: Why I am writing this? Why am I writing this now?

02. Who am I writing this for?

When writing something thing about who you are writing it for. Who is your audience? What is their level of knowledge?

This will help determine the language and vocabulary you use. It will also dictate the background information and detail that you include in your writing. You should also consider their level of understanding (not just knowledge) and their level of interest.

03. Give your writing context

Provide information that helps your readers/audience understand the background, setting, or circumstances of your writing. This can help your readers better understand your message, perspective, and purpose and how it relates to them. This can help you build a stronger connection with your readers and increase the impact of your writing.

By providing context, you can also communicate more effectively and make your writing more clear and concise. This can help you avoid confusion or misunderstandings and ensure that your message is received as intended.

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