How To,  Remote Networking,  Social Media

How to: Network When There Are No Networking Events

It is important to remember that you don’t need networking events or to meet people in person to continue to network. Here are some ways that you can continue to network while working remotely and/or while traditional in-person networking events are on hold.

01. Attend Virtual Networking Events

Most networking groups and organisations are holding online or virtual events instead of the their usual in-person networking events and conferences.

Check out what your usual groups are doing instead of their in-person events and attend their webinars and online conferences etc. While networking opportunities may be more limited, they are still an option that is available and can provide a spring board for more networking opportunities and one-to-one interactions.

02. Hold Virtual One to Ones

As well as attending virtual networking events you can also continue to catch up with people (existing contacts and new) using virtual one-to-ones to have a further conversation or as your regular check in with an existing contact instead of your usual in-person meet up.

03. Use Social Media

You may use social media for networking anyway, however, while there are no in-person networking events, social media has become an even more important space for professional networking.

04. Build Your Existing Network

Work on building and strengthening your existing network. Use your networking planner to boost your networking with existing contacts. You may still be meeting some new people, but it doesn’t matter if you are not meeting new people, instead, use your usual networking time to build on your existing relationships.

05. Ask for Introductions

Alternatively, when it comes to meeting new people, ask your existing network for more introductions. Meeting someone face to face is not the only way to develop a new connection. When you ask someone for a warm introduction, even if you don’t know that person very well, the person receiving the invitation to connect will be more inclined to trust you and help/have a further conversation with you.

This can be much more meaningful than simply meeting someone at a networking event.

06. Reach out Cold

Finally, there is nothing wrong with simply reaching out cold to a new potential connection. You might do this via email or social media. When asking to connect with someone, whether it’s on LinkedIn or over email, make sure that you have a specific reason for making that ask. Be specific and be clear about how you can add value and you are more likely to have that person respond.

Traditional in person networking events may continue to be put on hold for many people. However, there are still plenty of ways to network and create connections.

Further Reading:

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