A to Z Challenge,  Strategy: Writing

A to Z Challenge: E is for… Energy & Enthusiasm

The Visibility Planner is all about raising your profile and visibility through the things you do focusing on 4 main areas: PR and Marketing (inc Social Media), Networking, Presenting and Writing. For the 2020 A to Z Challenge we decided to focus on one of these aspects – writing! As the world continues to go into lock-down due to Covid-19, it is the perfect time to work on raising your visibility through your writing as you can do it from the comfort of your home.

E is for… Energy & Enthusiasm

It is important to inject energy and enthusiasm into your writing. Being enthusiastic when writing can mean that your audience or customers will come back for more and be inspired by your writing.

But being more enthusiastic about your writing also benefits you as an individual:

  • Enthusiasm can lift you up – you will be happier and this will come through in your writing. Your enthusiasm will also inspire and lift those around you. It can also be contagious.
  • Enthusiasm can drive you to work harder and achieve more.
  • Enthusiasm can potentially make you more creative, as you strive to make improvements through your enthusiasm you can actually come up with more ideas.

Short writing burst and writing when inspired can also make you more enthusiastic.

Further Reading:

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