A to Z Challenge,  LinkedIn

N is for… Notifications

You can automatically get notifications on your LinkedIn for the important stuff.  The notifications will keep you updated and will alert you when someone likes what you’ve shared on LinkedIn, invites you to connect or accepts your invitation as well as receiving notifications of birthdays work anniversaries and endorsements.

A red circle appears when you have something new. Notifications can be useful in helping you to continue to connect, network and reach out to existing connections.

Managing your notifications…

You can manage the updates in your notifications tab directly from the notifications tab to choose which types of notification updates you’d like to receive.

To turn off a notification update:

  1. Click the Notifications icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Click the More icon to the right of the notification.
  3. Select Turn off all notifications of this type.

To turn on a notification update you’ve previously turned off:

  1. Click the Notifications icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Click Edit on the left rail of the page, next to the number of notifications you’ve turned off.
  3. Under Notification Settings, click the toggle to the right of the notification to On.

Once you’ve turned off a notification update, all existing notifications for this type will be removed from the Notifications tab and you’ll no longer receive these alerts. You can find a list notification updates you’ve turned off, on the Notifications tab.

Turning off your own notifications and broadcasts on your activity feed

When it comes to broadcasting to your own network – you should give some consideration to what your connections and followers get notified of.  You should also read also our earlier posts about… Activity feed for more information on what you are broadcasting. If you want to turn off the notifications for your own activity feed – follow these quick and easy steps. 

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