A to Z Challenge,  LinkedIn

H is for… Help

Help with your LinkedIn Profile and Settings…

There is a great wealth of information out there for LinkedIn. If you are just getting started LinkedIn’s own help pages can get you started with setting up your profile and adjusting your privacy settings.

Once you have got yourself all set why not check out the following websites for more info:

Helping Others…

Like any other tool the more you invest into your LinkedIn presence, the more that you can get out of it. Whether you have a specific LinkedIn strategy in your Networking Strategy or not one of the easier ways to use LinkedIn to network it is by using it to help others.

If can be used on a one to one basis with specific contacts, through publishing and sharing content on a connections level and by using LinkedIn groups. LinkedIn groups are a great way to connect with professional networks, specific industries or markets. By participating as a community member and making contributions to the group you can develop influence and authority. When contributing just make sure you provide something of value to other members.

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