Quick Tips

Be Different. Be Ambitious. Be yourself.

Some events can be saturated with people pitching the same thing as you – for example – students/recent grads at a careers fair or a room full of lawyers, bankers, accountants or.. [insert appropriate profession here]. You need to learn how to differentiate

If you are in sales or marketing or are a small business owner or an entrepreneur you will need to both developing or refining your offering (your business, product or service) so that it is strongly differentiated from what is already available in the market-place, whatever your market-place is as well as differentiating yourself.

You need to give people a reason to choose to work with you.

Action Point: Look at how you describe your business offering (or yourself) – what’s different or special about it (or you) compared with all the others? If you cannot find a difference, you must find a way to create one.


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